Aside from the tradition and credibility of being part of our 50 years, members benefit from their dues in other ways:
During the months of Jan/Feb/April/May/Jun/Sept/Oct on the second Thursday, we work with groups to host a networking event and allow members to connect with others in the community. (Want to know more about hosting an event? Contact Us.)
Through your local, state and national membership, there are a number of discounts available to you.
The Mitre Box (printed membership directory), Newsletter and Website are exclusive places for members to advertise.
The Klamath Basin HBA hosts education classes for Lead Paint as well as local SAIF trainings and Codes Updates. Most trainings are offered at no charge to members, excluding Lead Paint. All members are able to attend classes online through Home Builders University at no charge. (The HomeBuildersUniversity.com website is part of the Oregon HBA membership benefits.)